Terms of Use

All downloads are the content of this website, fully responsible for personal use. Not all downloads are freeware, trial version or ad support, there is a technical problem sending e-mail for communication and the requested file is immediately deleted. Copyrighted content for publication or copyright infringement DMCA for the purpose of using relevant content instructions if not possible.

Use restrictions

All information, content, and materials on our website or the copyrighted property of our content by suppliers, licensees, or licensors is protected by copyright. All other trademarks, service marks, trade names, and trade dresses that we and/or our content suppliers, licensors, or licensors collectively hold. Everything on our website is available under license, including the provision of rights, property or intellectual property (not limited to our intellectual property or third parties, but patents, copyrights, and trademarks) in any form or implied resistance to any infringement. These Terms and Conditions may be used to copy, publish or use the newly published IPA on our website or to distribute any content or materials.

You agree that you may use our Website only for your personal use. You may not use our website for commercial purposes or to harm us or other natural or legal persons in any way. If you attempt improperly or illegally, do not violate any of our policies or requirements, or disrupt our servers or network, or breach the security of our website, you are solely responsible. You are not allowed to use or access our website. It is your responsibility to ensure that our use of any local, state, state or other applicable international law does not violate any rules or regulations.

We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. You should not be aware of the personal information we collect that we really want in any of our personal locations that are designed for a child under the age of 13.

Apknic is not responsible for damages caused by free apps that you can download for free. We know that we ensure that files are 100% secure and that we scan various antivirus programs, which is why all of our members must create all security-guaranteed applications before security clearance can take place. If webmasters report a problem downloading a file, refer to the manual or performance rating. The author reserves the right to maintain accuracy or precision in relation to current or local questions or topics, without guaranteeing the completeness or quality of the information provided. The emergence of information is incomplete information that has been provided or disclaimer of liability, including improper use of any kind of damages.

Apknic does not guarantee the accuracy, precision, reliability, or accuracy of the result or provide a context or context for the use or application of applications. The end-user is at full risk in terms of results and download performance. KPLMP users are not responsible for damages caused by indirect damages or for making apps available on our website in free applications.

General provisions

We reserve the right to change the Site (or parts thereof) at any time, temporarily or permanently, with or without notice, without notice. You agree that we will not be liable to you or any third party for the change, suspension or termination of the employment relationship. Know about apknic privacy policies.

If any provision of these Terms of Use is invalid, illegal, in whole or in part irrevocable for any reason, all other provisions with those provisions may be invalid or any other provision affecting the validity or enforcement of these Terms; The provided court may modify the provision to the extent necessary for the provision and effective provision.